Your first Sales & Marketing action is to very precisely defined the hotel or F&B outlet concept!
To do so, there are 2 options to begin: follow the consumer’s need through market survey OR conduct a professional feasibility study to know whether your dream concept meets the consumer needs or not.
If we put aside the current Covid crisis, the reasons why many venues have failures, are no professional market survey or/and no professional feasibility study were conducted AND the concept is confused.
In recent years we observed a big increase of fusion restaurants openings. Most of the time Fusion is a major confusion! The understanding of a fusion restaurant concept is different from Western to Eastern mindset, and even amongst Western people.
Based on these remarks, it is paramount that your concept is precise so that your potential clients your staff well understand then capably communicating the concept in one clear, concise as well as sharp sentence.
In the case of a fusion restaurant, to be only answered by the staff “we are a fusion restaurant” will not make it.
The target customer must be precise and match the concept. You will know after having conducted a professional feasibility study.
Depending on the clients’ segment, the overall sales & marketing strategy will have to be conceptualized accordingly the media channels, the wording, the design, time frame…
Once your operations are running smoothly, promotion is needed, not only to promote some specific products or services but also to keep promoting your business. Don’t fall in the common mistake to cut prices down. Keep the prices at same level but give more added values or benefits to your customers.
To put prices down is a “dangerous” strategy. Your business may be under severe threats due to customer’s habit and competitors.

Depending on your budget, a teasing campaign should be started before the launching.
This is made to “excite” your potential clients’ curiosity as well as desire to be part of the first clients to test your business. Don’t reveal everything but enough to make an impact and to ensure a minimum clients’ volume upon opening.
It can be done on site with huge posters, or flyers distribution, or on several other media like social network, internet, newspapers, radio…
Pre-opening & opening campaign
Every single step of the Sales & Marketing strategy is important, but keep in mind that:
Consequently, don’t over-promise in your sales & marketing campaign, “under-promise” is recommended in order to generate a positive impact on to your first clients. Because if your miss and mess up this phase, later on to change the first impression amongst the first customers who will talk a lot about this new opening, it will be a really tough job. Word of mouth is the best advertisement but can be the worst for your business if you failed in giving a first good impression.
During this phase which could be between 3 to 6 months, you must ensure to make a consequent financial effort in terms of advertisement, communication, Public Relations. It is an investment for which it is difficult to measure the impact as well as the return. It is understood by many sales & marketing professionals that only 50% of the investment is efficient, but nobody can tell whether it is the first 50% or the last 50%.
Post-opening campaign
Once the tough job of the opening is completed, keep having a comprehensive sales & marketing strategy which can have two objectives: to maintain or to increase your business volume.
The market has some limits, when opening your business, the piece of cake you took from other similar businesses will experience some variations. Should the concept or business be successful, it will be copied, your competitors will try to adapt in order to take their piece of cake back.
Don't underestimate market research
Case study
We helped one of customer to boost its bar revenue over a year, after we fully audited and analyzed the competitors.

Besides promotion, another part of a sales & marketing strategy is to organize some events to attract the spotlight on to your business. You may want to organize it by yourself or with an event partner. This brand partner must not be a competitor but from a different business field which addresses the same clients ‘segment. Ensure this is a win-win deal for both, in terms of impact, recruiting new clients, developing synergies for a better return on investment when organizing this kind of co-branded event.
Whatever you do, be creative as much as you can. Being unique will give an array of incomparable advantages to be on top of your competitors.
Marketing basics: the 7 Cs: When devising a marketing strategy, it is incredibly important to refer to the 7Cs of marketing: Clients, Convenience, Competition, Communication, Consistency, Creative content, and Credibility.
"Never Waste a Good Crisis" is a special series prepared by Dôme Hospitality to help F&B and hospitality professionals anticipate the post-covid period in the most efficient way.
